17 November 2012

Female Hysterics

Here's a video from Aaron Cleary. He mostly directs his talks to younger men coming of age in a world about to get hit with hyperinflation and decline. A world where a college degree is approximately worthless (except in subjects that actually require hard work). A world where women don't value men.

In this video he talks about hysterics. When a woman flips out for no apparent reason, and everything you try to do to make the situation better only makes her worse. I wish I'd had this video 12 years ago.

I've never understood why women act like this. I've also never understood why they get away with it. This kind of behavior is not acceptable for adults. Is it just because they're "Daddy's Little Angel" and are simply never corrected?

Having been there myself, I totally understand why an insecure young man, afraid he'll never get another date again, will put up with it. Or an insecure young husband will put up with it. 

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